If you have some Jell-o every day, this is what happens to your bones and joints

Gelatin is a seemingly harmless ingredient that you’re probably most familiar with in your favorite candy: gelatin. This animal protein (made up of collagen) is used in many products, from cosmetics to jellies. But this versatile ingredient offers many more benefits than simply preserving your favorite treat, according to Healthy and Natural World.

Some researchers believe that the collagen properties of this joint ingredient offer several health benefits, especially for patients with arthritis and other bone and joint problems.

Gelatine for osteoarthritis
According to Healthy and Natural World, the American Academy of Family Physicians analyzed a study that indicated that patients with knee osteoarthritis who took gelatin supplements had significant improvements in pain and stiffness. Patients in this study also consumed additional vitamin C. Healthy and Natural World recommends increasing their vitamin C intake and taking gelatin supplements for maximum results.

Gelatin for bones and joints.
Gelatin is believed to help relieve joint and bone pain because it is composed of collagen. This is the same substance that makes up cartilage and bone, according to WebMD. Additionally, gelatin also contains calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which can also help strengthen bones, reports Grass Fed Girl.

Gelatin for skin and hair.
If the word collagen sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because many people associate it with plastic surgery. Collagen is a common ingredient used in anti-aging procedures and fillers. And there’s a good reason: Your body produces less collagen as you age, which causes wrinkles. Taking collagen is more effective than creams, says Grass Fed Girl, because the collagen molecules in creams are too large for the skin to absorb.

Gelatin balances hormones.
Reduce excess estrogen with a daily dose of gelatin. “Too much estrogen in the body… can cause inflammation, infertility, and promote accelerated aging… The seemingly endless benefits of gelatin have anti-estrogenic effects that can help offset the effects of excess estrogen in the body,” Wellness reports. Mother.

Gelatin keeps the digestive system moving.
According to Wellness Mama, making broth with gelatin can help your digestive system work better and keep it regular. Grass Fed Girl reports that it acts as a digestive aid because it contains amino acids that promote the production of digestive juices.

If you want to add more gelatin to your diet, there are some healthy alternatives to eating gelatin and gummy bears (although this type of diet would be very easy to follow…). Try gelatin supplements or organic bone broth, according to Grass Fed Girl.