If you eat 3 whole eggs every day, you’ll be surprised what it does to your body


Eggs, like some other foods, have gained a bad reputation over the years, and many findings suggest that eggs may be primarily responsible for high cholesterol levels. However, the truth is completely different. In fact, not only is the claim about cholesterol wrong, but eggs have many different and essential benefits for the body.

Now that we have debunked most of the negative misconceptions about eggs, let’s explore the benefits of consuming them regularly:

1. Nutrients


According to the Huffington Post, eggs contain several types of nutrients: They are packed with vitamins A, D, E, and B-12, as well as iron, folic acid, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and more. . And all of them are very important.
2. Protein


Eggs provide high-quality proteins, with a much greater value than milk or beef. You’ll need about 30 grams of meat to equal one egg, which is much less expensive.
3. Choline


Choline, a nutrient that isn’t talked about much, is still very important for the brain. Helps promote growth and memory function. Choline supplements are especially essential for pregnant mothers, as most of a woman’s choline supply will be sent to her baby, leaving her with a very low supply. 90% of people lack choline. Eggs contain many of these nutrients.
4. Eyesight


Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that accumulate in the eye area and protect the eyes from dangerous wavelengths of light, as well as reducing the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
5. Weight control


Eggs help you feel satiated, meaning they make you feel fuller than many other foods. People who start the day with a few eggs for breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day, allowing them to eat smaller meals.
6. Bones, hair and nails


Vitamin D and calcium, already mentioned, are of great importance for bones as they help them strengthen. In this way, eggs help prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, the amino acids and minerals found in eggs promote healthy hair and nails, the website states.
Should you eat three eggs a day? The Nutrition Authority recommends it, stating that the benefits are much stronger than the disadvantages. But Al-Youm reports that such egg consumption can lead to the buildup of carotid plaques in the arteries, in addition to increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes due to the presence of trimethylamine N-oxide, a rather harmful chemical.

The Huffington Post suggests changing your diet a bit, noting that eating three eggs a day could be too much. However, there’s clearly no reason not to enjoy more than one egg a day, especially if you prefer free-range eggs to those from the supermarket, which have been shown to provide far fewer nutrients.

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