beautyski beautyski Fri, 05 Apr 2024 23:22:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 If you have body acne, here’s what it means about your health Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:35:20 +0000 Acne on the body can be just as frustrating as acne on the face. Like facial acne, body acne is caused by a combination of internal and external factors. Armed with knowledge of the underlying problems of body acne, you can guide and personalize your treatment.

Back and shoulders. If you suffer from acne on your back and shoulders, you may be a victim of overactive sebaceous glands, says SkinAcnea. Back braces and fried foods can also be culprits, as can lack of sleep and folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles). To treat acne on this part of the body, apply apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, or witch hazel to your back and shoulders as a toner after showering and soaking in a salt bath once a week. If you think folliculitis is causing your acne, try applying a warm compress to the affected area, suggests WebMD.

neck. Ladies (and gentlemen), keep your hair tied up and away from your face and neck during exercise and on days when you are prone to heat and sweat. BuzzFeed says this will reduce the amount of fat and sweat trapped behind the neck. If the problem isn’t sweat, it could be hormonal imbalances and excess sugar, says Skin Acea. For women, hormonal imbalances can be caused by pregnancy and menopause, but also by stress, weight gain, and an unbalanced diet, explains the Women In Balance Institute. In men, acne under the chin can be caused by ingrown hairs due to shaving, says Facing Acne. To prevent this irritation, always use a new razor and avoid shaving until the wounds have completely healed.

Chest. Sweating and irritation caused by non-breathable clothing are typical causes of chest acne, says SkinAcnea. You may also react to spicy foods or cold drinks. To treat this condition, shower immediately after exercising, wash clothes regularly, and replace scented body and hair products with baby shower and anti-dandruff shampoo. Avoid spicy foods and opt for room-temperature water and hot tea.

arm. Acne on the arms is usually caused by excessive oil secretion, irritating body products, and tight clothing, says Acne Skin. To treat this condition, avoid perfumes and use natural laundry detergents. You can also try applying toothpaste on the pimples, as Livestrong recommends, to dry them out and remove them.

BuzzFeed reminds us that even if you don’t feel dirty, it’s important to shower every day. Otherwise, dirt, oils, and bacteria will transfer to the sheets. This creates a suitable environment for acne-causing bacteria to build up in your pores while you sleep. It is also recommended to change the sheets once or twice a week and periodically wash jackets, coats, scarves, and other clothes that you think need cleaning from time to time.

How have these home remedies changed your life? Show us your before and after photos when you share this article on social media!

The alternative uses of aspirin Thu, 08 Feb 2024 00:37:49 +0000 Aspirin is one of the many over-the-counter pain relievers we routinely rely on. Most people have a bottle stored at home, hoping to relieve their aches and pains. But what you may not know is that the product contains chemicals that can do much more than relieve annoying headaches. Below are some non-medical ways aspirin can be helpful at home.

1. Dandruff fighter
Aspirin contains salicylic acid, a chemical capable of doing many things. Among them, it has a strong moisturizing capacity and can help reduce the formation of dandruff in the hair. “Applying aspirin mixed with shampoo to the scalp can help reduce the inflammation of the scalp that causes dandruff and help exfoliate skin flakes,” Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a cosmetic researcher and dermatologist, tells Everyday Health. doctor. He crushes two or three aspirin tablets into his shampoo and massages the mixture into his scalp, then lets it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.

2. Skin preservative
Salicylic acid can not only moisturize the skin, but also helps remove sebum and dead cells, making it a great opponent for acne and psoriasis as it can unclog pores and reduce puffiness, skin lesions and redness, reports EverydayHealth. Mix five ground seeds with a quarter cup of water and, optionally, a teaspoon of honey. Apply it to your skin, leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off.

3. Erase sweat stains
Sometimes sweat stains can have such a strong (read: bad) effect on clothes that they become almost waterproof and difficult to wash with regular wash cycles. But aspirin can help! Make a paste like the one mentioned above and then apply it on the stains on your clothes. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it and put it in a normal wash cycle. Instructables also suggests using it for blood stains, such as accidents involving nosebleeds and egg yolk leaks.

4. Mechanic
This is very surprising. When your car battery leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere and you can’t wait to be rescued, try this last resort: Instructables recommends dropping crushed aspirin tablets directly into the battery, a couple per cell, after opening them. According to Reader’s Digest, the salicylic acid will react with the sulfuric acid inside the battery and hopefully help it gain enough boost so your car can be towed to the station.

5. Professional gardener
Everyday Health reports that salicylic acid, along with its ability to revitalize plants just as it does the skin, is also capable of preventing the production of ethylene and mold, which are the two main causes of wilting garden flowers. and cut flower arrangements. Adding a powdered aspirin tablet to the water you pour over your flowers (or the water you place your bouquets in) will help your vegetables live longer.
Do you know any of these? Be sure to share these stories with your friends on Facebook!

+10 Signs You Need More Magnesium Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:42:27 +0000


Magnesium, a vital mineral abundantly present in various food sources, serves a crucial function in human biology. It is instrumental in the production and repair of DNA, as well as in the maintenance of robust bones, nerves, and muscles. Despite its widespread availability, a significant portion of the American population fails to attain adequate magnesium levels through dietary intake.

According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals most susceptible to magnesium deficiency include teenage girls and men over the age of 70. However, regardless of age or gender, it is prudent to consider assessing magnesium levels if experiencing any of the following symptoms:

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10 natural products that helps your skin stay young Tue, 06 Feb 2024 00:41:16 +0000 Women have always fought against the aging process. Hair dye, makeup, spa treatments – a lot of money is spent trying to make life destroy life. Wouldn’t life be wonderful if you could fight aging and do it on the cheap?

Here are 10 natural ways to keep your skin young. Many of them are already in your kitchen or you can buy them at the supermarket. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

1. Lemon juice. To help fight acne, try some lemon juice on your face. Women’s Health also recommends adding some to coconut water and applying it to your face to brighten and hydrate your skin.

2. Aloe vera. Medical News Today states that applying aloe vera gel to the skin can help improve elasticity. It also helps increase collagen production, which helps skin look younger.

3. Coffee. People love drinking coffee every day, but putting it on their skin? Prevention says that when used on the skin, coffee can help prevent clogged pores and fade age lines. It also exfoliates and removes dead skin cells and leaves a healthy glow.

4. Green tea. According to WebMD, the antioxidant properties of green tea may help prevent skin cancer. Researchers aren’t sure exactly how much skin care products must contain to be effective, but they see possibilities.

5. Vitamin C. Whether taken as a supplement, in food, or in a lotion applied directly to the skin, WebMD says vitamin C increases collagen in the skin, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. and scars.

6. Coconut oil. Excellent for moisturizing and adding shine, coconut oil is recommended for prevention. Wounds can heal faster if treated with virgin coconut oil.

7. Rose water. Moisturizing your skin is important. Cosmopolitan recommends carrying a rosewater mist with you so you can spritz your face throughout the day and help rehydrate your skin.

8. Egg whites. While this may seem strange, Vogue notes that many Korean beauty lines are getting on board with adding egg white to their products as an excellent source of collagen. If you want to take care of your skin yourself, The Beauty Madness has a recipe for making a mask with egg whites and oranges, which are an excellent source of vitamin C.

9. Option. You can use the strips to reduce puffy eyes or turn them into a mask. Cucumbers, according to HuffPost, contain vitamin C and silica. Vitamin C relieves inflammation and brightens the skin. The silica in the peel will firm sagging skin.

10. Bananas. Bananas are great for making smoothies and baking. It also tastes great with peanut butter, but breaking it up and putting it on your face? HuffPost says that placing a mashed banana on your face for about 15 minutes will help hydrate your skin. You can also mix it with avocado to create a facial mask that helps reduce wrinkles and age spots.

How successful are all these older people in fighting age and maintaining their youthful beauty? Well, you be the judge of that. Each contains vitamins and minerals that doctors and dermatologists know are essential for skin health. Within this list you can find the right fountain of youth for you.

11+ signs of iron deficiency that could cause health issues Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:48:07 +0000


Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the body experiences a shortage of hemoglobin, the vital component responsible for enabling red blood cells to transport oxygenated blood throughout the body. This condition arises when there is an insufficient amount of iron available to support hemoglobin production. Factors contributing to anemia include chronic blood loss, inadequate dietary intake of iron, pregnancy, or impaired iron absorption. Chronic blood loss encompasses scenarios such as menstruation and gastrointestinal bleeding.

In the following sections, we will delve into more than 11 common signs that may signify iron deficiency.

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Get rid of embarrassing nail fungus by trying one of these 6+ natural remedies Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:43:19 +0000 Public showers, public pools, pedicure spas—all of these places could be where you caught that yellowish-white fungus that thickens your toenails. The fungus may start as a small white or yellow spot on the nail, but it gradually causes the nail to thicken and crack.
Once you have the fungus, what can you do to treat it? There are numerous over-the-counter treatments available, but you may have some products at home that work just as well. Check out these 6+ home remedies to treat toenail fungus.

1. Baking soda. Making a paste of baking soda and water often works, according to Reader’s Digest. Apply the paste to your toenails and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping it off.

2. Tea tree oil. Healthline states that tea tree oil has several antifungal properties. Apply the oil to the affected nail twice a day.

3. Vic Vaporub. Vicks contains menthol, which according to prevention instructions will help eliminate the fungus. Rub the nail with VapoRub once a day until the fungus is gone.

4. Snake root extract. Some studies claim that snake root oil is as effective as the over-the-counter ointment Ciclopirox. Healthline recommends applying the extract directly to the nail every three days for the first month, twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month.

5. Ozonated sunflower oil. According to WebMD, ozonated sunflower oil is very effective. Apply it directly to the fungus until the nail heals.

6. Listerine and vinegar. In addition to making your feet smell great, Prevention says Listerine contains menthol, which is helpful in killing fungus. Vinegar is acidic, so it can’t harm you. Mix equal parts Listerine and vinegar and soak your nails for 45 to 60 minutes a day.

7. Vinegar. There is no science available to confirm this treatment, but Healthline says many people swear by this treatment. Soak your nails for 20 minutes every day.

Who needs to spend a lot of money on treatment? Go into your closets and see what you have to solve this problem at home.

Throw out the deodorant. Here are 7+ ways to stop body odor without it Sun, 04 Feb 2024 00:45:32 +0000 Although sweating is a very natural way for the body to regulate itself and function well, body odor is an unwanted side effect. While it is common to use deodorants to prevent body odor, some people choose more natural solutions.
To prevent those unpleasant odors from creating a very specific aura around you, try these natural body odor solutions.

Shower properly
Bathing at least once a day with an antibacterial soap is crucial to reducing the amount of odor-causing bacteria breeding on the skin. After showering, it is important to dry all parts of the body well, especially those areas prone to sweat.

neem bath
Neem, also known as Indian lilac, kills bacteria naturally. Boil neem leaves (or neem tea) in water and add the water to the bath. Alternatively, soak a towel in neem water and use it to clean your armpits and other sweat-prone areas.

Breathable Undershirt
Not all t-shirts are the same. Natural materials like cotton and bamboo help prevent body odor, so wear shirts made from these materials. Avoid materials like polyester.

sour yogurt
It may seem strange, but try using fresh or spoiled yogurt as soap. This method works because the good bacteria in yogurt fight the bacteria that cause odor.

Lemon juice and rose water.
Make a home remedy with equal parts lemon juice and rose water. Fill the solution into a bottle and store it in the refrigerator. Use a cotton ball to rub the solution under your armpits twice a day.

sage spray
This aromatic spice is a natural antibacterial. Try making sage tea or diluting sage oil and storing the resulting liquid in a bottle. Apply the sage mixture with a cotton ball to your armpits, or store the home remedy in a spray bottle and simply spray it on your armpits when you need a refresher.

witch hazel
Sprinkle witch hazel on your skin and then apply it throughout the day using a cotton pad on areas prone to sweat. Also be sure to moisturize the area where you use witch hazel to avoid overdrying the skin.

Spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol.
Diet is directly related to body odor. WebMD warns against consuming spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, which increase sweating.

Eat vegetables
Chard, spinach, cabbage, but also parsley and wheatgrass are rich in deodorant properties such as chlorophyll. Incorporate these foods into your daily diet to enhance defense mechanisms and eliminate unpleasant odors within the body.

Epsom salt
Epsom salt is known to act as a pain reliever and antioxidant at the same time. Bathing with 2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt can also help reduce body odor.

Many uses of baking soda in and on your body Sat, 03 Feb 2024 00:47:20 +0000 Baking soda is a big fan here. You can use it for many different projects around the house (you may even find uses for baking soda in your medicine cabinet). Although this cookie and cake ingredient seems harmless, it actually packs a punch. You might be surprised at how many ways you can use these things.

Before we list the many jobs you can use it for, we want to point out that there is one thing you should never use it for and that is exfoliation. While using baking soda as an exfoliant is a popular trick making its way online, using it on your face can damage your skin, according to Future Derm. Baking soda has a high pH which can disrupt the skin’s natural pH levels. Avoid baking soda and opt for a sugar-based home remedy.

Check out some of these healthy uses below:

1. Relieves abdominal problems
Baking soda neutralizes acids (so it is not suitable as a facial cleanser). If you suffer from heartburn or abdominal problems, baking soda can help relieve pain. Try adding a teaspoon to a cup of water and drink it.

2. Prepare the deodorant
Storing baking soda in the refrigerator helps eliminate food odors. It is also good for the body. Mix some baking soda with a little water until it forms a paste. Rub it under your arms or on your feet to eliminate unpleasant odors.

3. Removal of splinters
Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with warm water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the splinter and let it dry. Apply twice a day for a few days. The splinter will come to the surface painlessly.

4. Wash your hair
When you apply shampoo, also add a tablespoon of baking soda. Baking soda removes residue from shampoo and other hair products.

5. Whiten your teeth
You may have heard that using baking soda to brush your teeth is a great way to save on toothpaste, but you can also use baking soda to whiten your teeth. Make a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and a little water. Rub the mixture on your teeth and let it sit for 5 minutes once a week, then rinse it off.

6. Take care of your nails
Remove nail polish stains by soaking them in a mixture of water, peroxide, and baking soda. (Mix ½ cup water with 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon baking soda.) Apply the mixture to your nails and let it sit for two minutes before rinsing off. Use this technique every two months for best results.

7. Clearing nasal congestion
Mix a cup of warm water with half a teaspoon of fine sea salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Use the ear syringe to spray your nose as needed.

8. Kills pests
Get rid of painful mouth ulcers by rinsing your mouth with a mixture of warm water and baking soda. Rinse twice a day.

9. Improve physical activity
Drink a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water before your next workout to help absorb lactic acid and delay fatigue.

10. Soothe sunburn
Relieve the pain of sunburn with a baking soda bath. Pour half a cup of baking soda into a warm bath and soak to relieve discomfort.

What are some of the ways you use baking soda in your beauty routine? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to share these helpful tips with your friends on Facebook.

If you’re stuck with age spots, here are 5 home remedies to help you get rid of them Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:48:56 +0000 As we age, the signs of enjoying life outdoors in the sun become evident. If you weren’t careful to protect your face with sunscreen when you were younger, you may see age spots appearing ugly in your 30s and beyond.
Now you are taking care of your skin, but how to get rid of age spots that have already appeared? There is no really quick answer. Before trying any treatment, visit a dermatologist to make sure what you see are actually age spots. Once you’re done, here are 5 home remedies you can try.

1. yogurt
According to Dr. Doris Day in an interview with CNN, yogurt can provide lactic acid to the skin. WebMD recommends making an anti-aging skin cleanser with one cup of plain yogurt and two teaspoons of dried red tea leaves.

2. Lemon juice
Whitening age spots is another popular method to try to remove them. Dr. Susan Evans points out that lemon juice contains the necessary ingredients to whiten the skin, but its effect will last a long time. It would be best to use an over-the-counter product.

3. Over-the-counter cream
According to the Mayo Clinic, getting a cream that contains hydroquinone, glycolic acid, or kojic acid will help lighten age spots.

4. Facial peeling
The Mayo Clinic says another way to get rid of age spots is through chemical peels. DIY Natural offers a homemade peel recipe based on ground cucumber (without seeds), an envelope of gelatin, a few drops of meat tenderizer, a pinch of cinnamon and a little water. Whether it works or not, you can be the judge.

5. Vitamin C
WebMD says that applying vitamin C to your skin can help brighten your skin and lighten age spots. Live Simply prepares the vitamin C treatment with 1 teaspoon of vitamin C powder, 1 teaspoon of water, 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin E oil. This can be applied to the clean and dry face overnight. .

The best way to combat aging is to take care of your skin from the beginning. Protect it from the sun, eat healthy and don’t abuse your body. However, once the damage has resolved, you may still be able to achieve great-looking skin with one of the treatments above.

Effects of apple cider vinegar on skin Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:51:37 +0000 According to Statista, in 2015, Listerine sales in the United States exceeded $340 million. That’s a lot of Listerine! And if you take into account all other mouthwash brands, these figures are closer to $1 billion. There is no doubt that Americans use mouthwash for its intended purpose: oral hygiene. But do you know what they (and you) could do with it?

According to the Listerine website, the active ingredients in the popular mouthwash are eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, and thymol. Each of these ingredients has a function that goes beyond simply protecting the mouth from plaque and gingivitis. Read on to find out what you can do with mouthwash!

1. Deodorant
Have you run out of deodorant? Don’t worry! Simply take a cotton ball, dip it in Listerine, and place it under your arms. You can also pour Listerine into a spray bottle and spray it on your armpits. Both methods are effective in preventing body odor because Listerine kills the germs that cause body odor in the first place.

2. Dandruff
Before everyone used Listerine as a mouthwash, it was popular as a dandruff treatment. It worked then and it works now. Each of Listerine’s four active ingredients has antiseptic and antifungal properties. To use this home remedy, rinse your hair and scalp with a mixture of 1/4 cup Listerine and 1 cup water.

3. Lice
Listerine is also a safe and effective treatment for lice. Try soaking your lice-infested head in Listerine and then putting your hair up with a shower cap. Let Listerine soak for at least an hour and then rinse your hair with water. To eliminate these insects, continue the treatment by massaging the scalp with white vinegar. Once again, gather your hair in a shower cap and let it soak. After an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and use a lice comb to remove dead lice and any remaining eggs.

4. Acne
Did you know that you can use Listerine as an astringent to treat skin problems? correct. The combination of alcohol and the antiseptic properties of Listerine will dry out the pimples. The morning after smearing a nasty pimple with Listerine, you can wake up pimple-free!

5. cough
“Cough, you fool… it’s your fault,” read a newspaper article in the winter of 1932. Modern Mechanix reports that the same article claims that medical tests have shown that gargling with Listerine twice a day reduces the frequency and the severity of coughs and colds. More than 80 years later, wikiHow confirms that rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash can prevent bacteria from infecting the respiratory system.

6. Grains
Listerine’s antiseptic properties make it a powerful force against pimples. Mother Nature Network says all you need to do is soak a cotton ball in Listerine and place it on the pimple. Repeat three times a day until the pimples dry and disappear.

7. Smelly feet
Smelly feet can get you fired. But don’t be afraid. Listerine kills odor-causing bacteria and acts as an astringent to reduce the amount of sweating. Listerine is especially effective if foot odor is a symptom of athlete’s foot. Listerine also has the added benefit of making your feet incredibly soft! To use this home remedy, mix one part Listerine to two parts warm water and let your feet soak for 20 minutes.

8. Toenail fungus
Listerine foot bath not only makes your feet smell great, but it also helps cure toenail fungus. This is because Listerine has powerful antifungal properties. If you regularly suffer from yeast infections, you may get into the habit of taking a Listerine bath every few days over the course of several months.

Listerine has been around since the late 19th century! It was not always used alone as a mouthwash and should not be used now. Take advantage of all these amazing home remedies! Tell us what works for you and share this article on social media!
