NATURAL BEAUTY – beautyski beautyski Thu, 02 May 2024 05:41:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 +10 Signs You Need More Magnesium Tue, 06 Feb 2024 16:42:27 +0000


Magnesium, a vital mineral abundantly present in various food sources, serves a crucial function in human biology. It is instrumental in the production and repair of DNA, as well as in the maintenance of robust bones, nerves, and muscles. Despite its widespread availability, a significant portion of the American population fails to attain adequate magnesium levels through dietary intake.

According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals most susceptible to magnesium deficiency include teenage girls and men over the age of 70. However, regardless of age or gender, it is prudent to consider assessing magnesium levels if experiencing any of the following symptoms:


10. Low energy


Functional medicine nutritionist Alison Boden, speaking to Reader’s Digest, underscores the extensive role of magnesium in over 300 different chemical reactions within the body, many of which are linked to energy production. She highlights that low energy levels can be a potential indicator of magnesium deficiency.


9. Twitching or cramping


Insufficient intake of magnesium can lead to unintended muscle movement due to its significant role in muscle relaxation. “Our muscles rely on magnesium to prevent constant contraction,” notes Ancient Minerals.


8. Frequent headaches


Magnesium deficiency can lead to lowered serotonin levels, blood vessel constriction, and altered neurotransmitter function, all of which are associated with headaches, particularly migraines. According to estimates by MigraineAgain, approximately 50% of migraine sufferers may experience a deficiency in magnesium.


7. Insomnia


Struggling to fall or remain asleep could be attributed to low magnesium levels, particularly in individuals experiencing heightened stress. Dr. Ronald Hoffman explains that stress hormones elevate blood pressure and heart rate, partially through the depletion of magnesium reserves in the body. When insufficient magnesium is available for replenishment, sleep disturbances may ensue.


6. Irregular heartbeat


When magnesium levels are low, maintaining a regular heart rhythm can become challenging. Consequently, doctors frequently recommend magnesium supplements for patients experiencing an irregular heartbeat.


5. Increased sensitivity to noise


Insufficient magnesium compromises its role in stabilizing the nervous system, as noted by Hoffman. This deficiency frequently manifests as hyperflexia, characterized by an exaggerated startle reflex.


4. Seizures


Seizures may occur when the nervous system experiences significant compromise due to magnesium deficiency, as reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).


3. Low bone density


Magnesium plays a major role in bone formation, and the majority of the body’s magnesium is stored in the bones. “People with higher intakes of magnesium have a higher bone mineral density,” says the NIH.


2. Constipation


Insufficient magnesium levels in the body can lead to a slowdown in bowel movements. Consequently, magnesium serves as the primary ingredient in numerous over-the-counter laxatives.

High blood pressure


Magnesium plays a critical role in regulating healthy blood pressure levels, and a deficiency can contribute to elevated blood pressure. According to WebMD, consuming foods rich in magnesium and other essential minerals can aid in preventing high blood pressure, particularly in individuals with prehypertension.


Type 2 diabetes


Another vital function of magnesium in the human body is the breakdown of blood sugars. According to the NIH, individuals with higher dietary magnesium intake typically exhibit a reduced risk of developing diabetes. Ongoing research aims to ascertain the potential of magnesium therapy in the treatment of diabetes.

Depression, anxiety, confusion, or personality changes


Insufficient levels of magnesium in the brain can disrupt neurological functions, leading to a range of issues. Dr. Hoffman suggests that certain phobias, such as agoraphobia, may develop as a consequence of low magnesium levels. Furthermore, Psychology Today, in an article titled “Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill,” notes that magnesium has historically been employed as an effective home remedy for alleviating these symptoms.

If you suspect a magnesium deficiency, it’s prudent to seek confirmation from a healthcare professional. Increasing magnesium intake safely can be achieved through dietary adjustments, prioritizing magnesium-rich foods. While excess magnesium from food sources is typically safely eliminated by healthy kidneys, supplementation requires caution. Excessive magnesium intake via supplements can lead to toxicity, potentially resulting in severe complications such as cardiac arrest.

11+ signs of iron deficiency that could cause health issues Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:48:07 +0000


Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the body experiences a shortage of hemoglobin, the vital component responsible for enabling red blood cells to transport oxygenated blood throughout the body. This condition arises when there is an insufficient amount of iron available to support hemoglobin production. Factors contributing to anemia include chronic blood loss, inadequate dietary intake of iron, pregnancy, or impaired iron absorption. Chronic blood loss encompasses scenarios such as menstruation and gastrointestinal bleeding.

In the following sections, we will delve into more than 11 common signs that may signify iron deficiency.

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Get rid of embarrassing nail fungus by trying one of these 6+ natural remedies Mon, 05 Feb 2024 00:43:19 +0000 Public showers, public pools, pedicure spas—all of these places could be where you caught that yellowish-white fungus that thickens your toenails. The fungus may start as a small white or yellow spot on the nail, but it gradually causes the nail to thicken and crack.
Once you have the fungus, what can you do to treat it? There are numerous over-the-counter treatments available, but you may have some products at home that work just as well. Check out these 6+ home remedies to treat toenail fungus.

1. Baking soda. Making a paste of baking soda and water often works, according to Reader’s Digest. Apply the paste to your toenails and let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping it off.

2. Tea tree oil. Healthline states that tea tree oil has several antifungal properties. Apply the oil to the affected nail twice a day.

3. Vic Vaporub. Vicks contains menthol, which according to prevention instructions will help eliminate the fungus. Rub the nail with VapoRub once a day until the fungus is gone.

4. Snake root extract. Some studies claim that snake root oil is as effective as the over-the-counter ointment Ciclopirox. Healthline recommends applying the extract directly to the nail every three days for the first month, twice a week for the second month, and once a week for the third month.

5. Ozonated sunflower oil. According to WebMD, ozonated sunflower oil is very effective. Apply it directly to the fungus until the nail heals.

6. Listerine and vinegar. In addition to making your feet smell great, Prevention says Listerine contains menthol, which is helpful in killing fungus. Vinegar is acidic, so it can’t harm you. Mix equal parts Listerine and vinegar and soak your nails for 45 to 60 minutes a day.

7. Vinegar. There is no science available to confirm this treatment, but Healthline says many people swear by this treatment. Soak your nails for 20 minutes every day.

Who needs to spend a lot of money on treatment? Go into your closets and see what you have to solve this problem at home.

Throw out the deodorant. Here are 7+ ways to stop body odor without it Sun, 04 Feb 2024 00:45:32 +0000 Although sweating is a very natural way for the body to regulate itself and function well, body odor is an unwanted side effect. While it is common to use deodorants to prevent body odor, some people choose more natural solutions.
To prevent those unpleasant odors from creating a very specific aura around you, try these natural body odor solutions.

Shower properly
Bathing at least once a day with an antibacterial soap is crucial to reducing the amount of odor-causing bacteria breeding on the skin. After showering, it is important to dry all parts of the body well, especially those areas prone to sweat.

neem bath
Neem, also known as Indian lilac, kills bacteria naturally. Boil neem leaves (or neem tea) in water and add the water to the bath. Alternatively, soak a towel in neem water and use it to clean your armpits and other sweat-prone areas.

Breathable Undershirt
Not all t-shirts are the same. Natural materials like cotton and bamboo help prevent body odor, so wear shirts made from these materials. Avoid materials like polyester.

sour yogurt
It may seem strange, but try using fresh or spoiled yogurt as soap. This method works because the good bacteria in yogurt fight the bacteria that cause odor.

Lemon juice and rose water.
Make a home remedy with equal parts lemon juice and rose water. Fill the solution into a bottle and store it in the refrigerator. Use a cotton ball to rub the solution under your armpits twice a day.

sage spray
This aromatic spice is a natural antibacterial. Try making sage tea or diluting sage oil and storing the resulting liquid in a bottle. Apply the sage mixture with a cotton ball to your armpits, or store the home remedy in a spray bottle and simply spray it on your armpits when you need a refresher.

witch hazel
Sprinkle witch hazel on your skin and then apply it throughout the day using a cotton pad on areas prone to sweat. Also be sure to moisturize the area where you use witch hazel to avoid overdrying the skin.

Spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol.
Diet is directly related to body odor. WebMD warns against consuming spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol, which increase sweating.

Eat vegetables
Chard, spinach, cabbage, but also parsley and wheatgrass are rich in deodorant properties such as chlorophyll. Incorporate these foods into your daily diet to enhance defense mechanisms and eliminate unpleasant odors within the body.

Epsom salt
Epsom salt is known to act as a pain reliever and antioxidant at the same time. Bathing with 2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt can also help reduce body odor.

If you’re stuck with age spots, here are 5 home remedies to help you get rid of them Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:48:56 +0000 As we age, the signs of enjoying life outdoors in the sun become evident. If you weren’t careful to protect your face with sunscreen when you were younger, you may see age spots appearing ugly in your 30s and beyond.
Now you are taking care of your skin, but how to get rid of age spots that have already appeared? There is no really quick answer. Before trying any treatment, visit a dermatologist to make sure what you see are actually age spots. Once you’re done, here are 5 home remedies you can try.

1. yogurt
According to Dr. Doris Day in an interview with CNN, yogurt can provide lactic acid to the skin. WebMD recommends making an anti-aging skin cleanser with one cup of plain yogurt and two teaspoons of dried red tea leaves.

2. Lemon juice
Whitening age spots is another popular method to try to remove them. Dr. Susan Evans points out that lemon juice contains the necessary ingredients to whiten the skin, but its effect will last a long time. It would be best to use an over-the-counter product.

3. Over-the-counter cream
According to the Mayo Clinic, getting a cream that contains hydroquinone, glycolic acid, or kojic acid will help lighten age spots.

4. Facial peeling
The Mayo Clinic says another way to get rid of age spots is through chemical peels. DIY Natural offers a homemade peel recipe based on ground cucumber (without seeds), an envelope of gelatin, a few drops of meat tenderizer, a pinch of cinnamon and a little water. Whether it works or not, you can be the judge.

5. Vitamin C
WebMD says that applying vitamin C to your skin can help brighten your skin and lighten age spots. Live Simply prepares the vitamin C treatment with 1 teaspoon of vitamin C powder, 1 teaspoon of water, 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin E oil. This can be applied to the clean and dry face overnight. .

The best way to combat aging is to take care of your skin from the beginning. Protect it from the sun, eat healthy and don’t abuse your body. However, once the damage has resolved, you may still be able to achieve great-looking skin with one of the treatments above.

Effects of apple cider vinegar on skin Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:51:37 +0000 According to Statista, in 2015, Listerine sales in the United States exceeded $340 million. That’s a lot of Listerine! And if you take into account all other mouthwash brands, these figures are closer to $1 billion. There is no doubt that Americans use mouthwash for its intended purpose: oral hygiene. But do you know what they (and you) could do with it?

According to the Listerine website, the active ingredients in the popular mouthwash are eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, and thymol. Each of these ingredients has a function that goes beyond simply protecting the mouth from plaque and gingivitis. Read on to find out what you can do with mouthwash!

1. Deodorant
Have you run out of deodorant? Don’t worry! Simply take a cotton ball, dip it in Listerine, and place it under your arms. You can also pour Listerine into a spray bottle and spray it on your armpits. Both methods are effective in preventing body odor because Listerine kills the germs that cause body odor in the first place.

2. Dandruff
Before everyone used Listerine as a mouthwash, it was popular as a dandruff treatment. It worked then and it works now. Each of Listerine’s four active ingredients has antiseptic and antifungal properties. To use this home remedy, rinse your hair and scalp with a mixture of 1/4 cup Listerine and 1 cup water.

3. Lice
Listerine is also a safe and effective treatment for lice. Try soaking your lice-infested head in Listerine and then putting your hair up with a shower cap. Let Listerine soak for at least an hour and then rinse your hair with water. To eliminate these insects, continue the treatment by massaging the scalp with white vinegar. Once again, gather your hair in a shower cap and let it soak. After an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and use a lice comb to remove dead lice and any remaining eggs.

4. Acne
Did you know that you can use Listerine as an astringent to treat skin problems? correct. The combination of alcohol and the antiseptic properties of Listerine will dry out the pimples. The morning after smearing a nasty pimple with Listerine, you can wake up pimple-free!

5. cough
“Cough, you fool… it’s your fault,” read a newspaper article in the winter of 1932. Modern Mechanix reports that the same article claims that medical tests have shown that gargling with Listerine twice a day reduces the frequency and the severity of coughs and colds. More than 80 years later, wikiHow confirms that rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash can prevent bacteria from infecting the respiratory system.

6. Grains
Listerine’s antiseptic properties make it a powerful force against pimples. Mother Nature Network says all you need to do is soak a cotton ball in Listerine and place it on the pimple. Repeat three times a day until the pimples dry and disappear.

7. Smelly feet
Smelly feet can get you fired. But don’t be afraid. Listerine kills odor-causing bacteria and acts as an astringent to reduce the amount of sweating. Listerine is especially effective if foot odor is a symptom of athlete’s foot. Listerine also has the added benefit of making your feet incredibly soft! To use this home remedy, mix one part Listerine to two parts warm water and let your feet soak for 20 minutes.

8. Toenail fungus
Listerine foot bath not only makes your feet smell great, but it also helps cure toenail fungus. This is because Listerine has powerful antifungal properties. If you regularly suffer from yeast infections, you may get into the habit of taking a Listerine bath every few days over the course of several months.

Listerine has been around since the late 19th century! It was not always used alone as a mouthwash and should not be used now. Take advantage of all these amazing home remedies! Tell us what works for you and share this article on social media!

If you eat 3 whole eggs every day, you’ll be surprised what it does to your body Tue, 30 Jan 2024 16:54:03 +0000


Eggs, like some other foods, have gained a bad reputation over the years, and many findings suggest that eggs may be primarily responsible for high cholesterol levels. However, the truth is completely different. In fact, not only is the claim about cholesterol wrong, but eggs have many different and essential benefits for the body.

Now that we have debunked most of the negative misconceptions about eggs, let’s explore the benefits of consuming them regularly:

1. Nutrients


According to the Huffington Post, eggs contain several types of nutrients: They are packed with vitamins A, D, E, and B-12, as well as iron, folic acid, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and more. . And all of them are very important.
2. Protein


Eggs provide high-quality proteins, with a much greater value than milk or beef. You’ll need about 30 grams of meat to equal one egg, which is much less expensive.
3. Choline


Choline, a nutrient that isn’t talked about much, is still very important for the brain. Helps promote growth and memory function. Choline supplements are especially essential for pregnant mothers, as most of a woman’s choline supply will be sent to her baby, leaving her with a very low supply. 90% of people lack choline. Eggs contain many of these nutrients.
4. Eyesight


Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that accumulate in the eye area and protect the eyes from dangerous wavelengths of light, as well as reducing the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
5. Weight control


Eggs help you feel satiated, meaning they make you feel fuller than many other foods. People who start the day with a few eggs for breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day, allowing them to eat smaller meals.
6. Bones, hair and nails


Vitamin D and calcium, already mentioned, are of great importance for bones as they help them strengthen. In this way, eggs help prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, the amino acids and minerals found in eggs promote healthy hair and nails, the website states.
Should you eat three eggs a day? The Nutrition Authority recommends it, stating that the benefits are much stronger than the disadvantages. But Al-Youm reports that such egg consumption can lead to the buildup of carotid plaques in the arteries, in addition to increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes due to the presence of trimethylamine N-oxide, a rather harmful chemical.

The Huffington Post suggests changing your diet a bit, noting that eating three eggs a day could be too much. However, there’s clearly no reason not to enjoy more than one egg a day, especially if you prefer free-range eggs to those from the supermarket, which have been shown to provide far fewer nutrients.

What do you think of these results? Tell us in the comments and share this story with your friends!

If you have some Jell-o every day, this is what happens to your bones and joints Tue, 23 Jan 2024 21:06:19 +0000 Gelatin is a seemingly harmless ingredient that you’re probably most familiar with in your favorite candy: gelatin. This animal protein (made up of collagen) is used in many products, from cosmetics to jellies. But this versatile ingredient offers many more benefits than simply preserving your favorite treat, according to Healthy and Natural World.

Some researchers believe that the collagen properties of this joint ingredient offer several health benefits, especially for patients with arthritis and other bone and joint problems.

Gelatine for osteoarthritis
According to Healthy and Natural World, the American Academy of Family Physicians analyzed a study that indicated that patients with knee osteoarthritis who took gelatin supplements had significant improvements in pain and stiffness. Patients in this study also consumed additional vitamin C. Healthy and Natural World recommends increasing their vitamin C intake and taking gelatin supplements for maximum results.

Gelatin for bones and joints.
Gelatin is believed to help relieve joint and bone pain because it is composed of collagen. This is the same substance that makes up cartilage and bone, according to WebMD. Additionally, gelatin also contains calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which can also help strengthen bones, reports Grass Fed Girl.

Gelatin for skin and hair.
If the word collagen sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because many people associate it with plastic surgery. Collagen is a common ingredient used in anti-aging procedures and fillers. And there’s a good reason: Your body produces less collagen as you age, which causes wrinkles. Taking collagen is more effective than creams, says Grass Fed Girl, because the collagen molecules in creams are too large for the skin to absorb.

Gelatin balances hormones.
Reduce excess estrogen with a daily dose of gelatin. “Too much estrogen in the body… can cause inflammation, infertility, and promote accelerated aging… The seemingly endless benefits of gelatin have anti-estrogenic effects that can help offset the effects of excess estrogen in the body,” Wellness reports. Mother.

Gelatin keeps the digestive system moving.
According to Wellness Mama, making broth with gelatin can help your digestive system work better and keep it regular. Grass Fed Girl reports that it acts as a digestive aid because it contains amino acids that promote the production of digestive juices.

If you want to add more gelatin to your diet, there are some healthy alternatives to eating gelatin and gummy bears (although this type of diet would be very easy to follow…). Try gelatin supplements or organic bone broth, according to Grass Fed Girl.

Natural ways to quickly heal a blister Fri, 19 Jan 2024 21:13:09 +0000 Pimples are the worst! We all know how horrible it is to leave the house in a new pair of shoes and then come home limping, with blisters on your ankles and toes. Blisters are the body’s response to injury or stress. When the skin is damaged, a blister forms to protect the area from further damage while the top layer of skin heals.

Although you may be tempted to pop the pimple, you should refrain from doing so. Opening a blister can cause infection or slow the healing process. Over time, the fluid will leak naturally and the blister will collapse and heal on its own. While blisters usually heal on their own, there are steps you can take using products at home to speed up the healing process and prevent blisters from appearing altogether.

1. Green tea.
The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea can do wonders for pimples. To make a green tea foot bath, boil three tea bags in boiling water. Add a teaspoon of disinfectant baking soda and let the solution cool. Pour the mixture into a foot bath and let the green tea work its magic. This will also help lubricate the bladder, encouraging faster drainage of fluid.

2. Apple cider vinegar.
This comprehensive treatment can prevent the blister from becoming infected. Although it will probably itch, apply apple cider vinegar to the blister. To soothe the bite, after use, wash the blister with hydrogen peroxide and cover it with antibacterial ointment.

3. Castor oil.
Try applying castor oil to the affected area of the pimple before going to bed, so that it soaks into the pimple overnight. The oil should help the blister dry and heal more quickly.

4. Witch hazel.
The astringent compound can help in the drying, cleaning, and healing processes of the blister. Try applying witch hazel with a cotton ball.

5. Aloe vera gel.
You may think that aloe vera is only useful for soothing sunburn. The gel from the aloe vera plant is a powerful anti-inflammatory and can even help heal blisters on your feet. It also keeps the skin moist and reduces the risk of infection.

6. Soak in Epsom salt.
Soaking your feet in a foot bath filled with warm water and 2 tablespoons of Epson salts can reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of infection. Cover your feet with Vaseline or vitamin E oil after a foot bath to speed up the healing process.

7. Organic antiperspirant.
If you’re going for a long walk or wearing new shoes, use an organic antiperspirant on “hot spots” or areas where blisters most often form. You can also use an anti-irritant conditioner.

8. Tea tree oil.
This essential oil is available in most grocery stores. Tea tree oil has strong antibacterial properties and is very astringent. This means that tea tree oil not only fights infections but also dries out pimples. Try applying tea tree oil on pimples that have already appeared.

Blisters are an unfortunate fact of life. But we don’t have to suffer for it!

Eat a spoonful of mustard after your meal and you’ll be surprised what it can do Thu, 11 Jan 2024 21:21:01 +0000 Mustard is a plant that has many different uses. The seeds can be used for cooking and pickling. It can also be ground into powder to make dry mustard or pressed to make yellow mustard. The oil extracted from mustard seeds is considered a healthy oil as it contains a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids. Even the leaves of the plant itself can be used to make salads or served as a vegetable for dinner.

The world of home remedies is also taking advantage of the use of this plant. It remains to be seen whether the treatments are truly effective because no studies have been done to confirm the claims. None of the following treatments will cause any harm, so you may have a new winner. Here are six home remedies that use mustard.

1. Burns.
Accidents can occur when working in a kitchen with a hot stove or oven. According to the guidelines, the first thing you should do if you burn yourself is to wash the burn with cold water and then smear it with a thick layer of yellow mustard to prevent it from hurting.

2. Overcrowding.
An ancient remedy for chest congestion caused by the flu or the common cold is a mustard compress. Wellspring School makes a packet by combining 1 part dry mustard with 8 parts flour. Add enough hot water to form a paste. Apply the paste to a piece of gauze and then place the compress on your chest.

3. Face mask.
If money is tight and you can’t afford a mask, Apartment Therapy recommends using yellow mustard. Rub a thin layer of mustard onto your face, creating enough space around your eyes so the fumes don’t cause problems. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse.

4. Gas reduction.
To combat a gas attack after dinner, the 10 best home remedies indicate that you should swallow a teaspoon of yellow mustard after eating. Wash it with a cup of warm water. If the problem persists, increase the amount of mustard to 1 tablespoon.

5. Hair conditioner.
Deep-conditioning hair treatments can be expensive. Instructables recommend using mustard seed oil instead of fancy treatment compresses. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp. Cover your hair and leave it for 8 hours. If you choose to do it at night, cover your hair with a shower cap so the oil doesn’t drip onto your pillow. Once your hair is completely treated, rinse the oil well.

6. Myositis.
After strenuous exercise or play, add a tablespoon of mustard to your Epsom salt bath to eliminate muscle soreness.

Whether they work or not, there’s nothing wrong with trying. You probably have mustard in your cupboards or shelves, so try the remedies listed above to see what it can do for you.
