HAIR CARE – beautyski beautyski Sat, 17 Feb 2024 01:03:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The alternative uses of aspirin Thu, 08 Feb 2024 00:37:49 +0000 Aspirin is one of the many over-the-counter pain relievers we routinely rely on. Most people have a bottle stored at home, hoping to relieve their aches and pains. But what you may not know is that the product contains chemicals that can do much more than relieve annoying headaches. Below are some non-medical ways aspirin can be helpful at home.

1. Dandruff fighter
Aspirin contains salicylic acid, a chemical capable of doing many things. Among them, it has a strong moisturizing capacity and can help reduce the formation of dandruff in the hair. “Applying aspirin mixed with shampoo to the scalp can help reduce the inflammation of the scalp that causes dandruff and help exfoliate skin flakes,” Dr. Joshua Zeichner, a cosmetic researcher and dermatologist, tells Everyday Health. doctor. He crushes two or three aspirin tablets into his shampoo and massages the mixture into his scalp, then lets it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.

2. Skin preservative
Salicylic acid can not only moisturize the skin, but also helps remove sebum and dead cells, making it a great opponent for acne and psoriasis as it can unclog pores and reduce puffiness, skin lesions and redness, reports EverydayHealth. Mix five ground seeds with a quarter cup of water and, optionally, a teaspoon of honey. Apply it to your skin, leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off.

3. Erase sweat stains
Sometimes sweat stains can have such a strong (read: bad) effect on clothes that they become almost waterproof and difficult to wash with regular wash cycles. But aspirin can help! Make a paste like the one mentioned above and then apply it on the stains on your clothes. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it and put it in a normal wash cycle. Instructables also suggests using it for blood stains, such as accidents involving nosebleeds and egg yolk leaks.

4. Mechanic
This is very surprising. When your car battery leaves you stranded in the middle of nowhere and you can’t wait to be rescued, try this last resort: Instructables recommends dropping crushed aspirin tablets directly into the battery, a couple per cell, after opening them. According to Reader’s Digest, the salicylic acid will react with the sulfuric acid inside the battery and hopefully help it gain enough boost so your car can be towed to the station.

5. Professional gardener
Everyday Health reports that salicylic acid, along with its ability to revitalize plants just as it does the skin, is also capable of preventing the production of ethylene and mold, which are the two main causes of wilting garden flowers. and cut flower arrangements. Adding a powdered aspirin tablet to the water you pour over your flowers (or the water you place your bouquets in) will help your vegetables live longer.
Do you know any of these? Be sure to share these stories with your friends on Facebook!

Effects of apple cider vinegar on skin Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:51:37 +0000 According to Statista, in 2015, Listerine sales in the United States exceeded $340 million. That’s a lot of Listerine! And if you take into account all other mouthwash brands, these figures are closer to $1 billion. There is no doubt that Americans use mouthwash for its intended purpose: oral hygiene. But do you know what they (and you) could do with it?

According to the Listerine website, the active ingredients in the popular mouthwash are eucalyptol, menthol, methyl salicylate, and thymol. Each of these ingredients has a function that goes beyond simply protecting the mouth from plaque and gingivitis. Read on to find out what you can do with mouthwash!

1. Deodorant
Have you run out of deodorant? Don’t worry! Simply take a cotton ball, dip it in Listerine, and place it under your arms. You can also pour Listerine into a spray bottle and spray it on your armpits. Both methods are effective in preventing body odor because Listerine kills the germs that cause body odor in the first place.

2. Dandruff
Before everyone used Listerine as a mouthwash, it was popular as a dandruff treatment. It worked then and it works now. Each of Listerine’s four active ingredients has antiseptic and antifungal properties. To use this home remedy, rinse your hair and scalp with a mixture of 1/4 cup Listerine and 1 cup water.

3. Lice
Listerine is also a safe and effective treatment for lice. Try soaking your lice-infested head in Listerine and then putting your hair up with a shower cap. Let Listerine soak for at least an hour and then rinse your hair with water. To eliminate these insects, continue the treatment by massaging the scalp with white vinegar. Once again, gather your hair in a shower cap and let it soak. After an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and use a lice comb to remove dead lice and any remaining eggs.

4. Acne
Did you know that you can use Listerine as an astringent to treat skin problems? correct. The combination of alcohol and the antiseptic properties of Listerine will dry out the pimples. The morning after smearing a nasty pimple with Listerine, you can wake up pimple-free!

5. cough
“Cough, you fool… it’s your fault,” read a newspaper article in the winter of 1932. Modern Mechanix reports that the same article claims that medical tests have shown that gargling with Listerine twice a day reduces the frequency and the severity of coughs and colds. More than 80 years later, wikiHow confirms that rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash can prevent bacteria from infecting the respiratory system.

6. Grains
Listerine’s antiseptic properties make it a powerful force against pimples. Mother Nature Network says all you need to do is soak a cotton ball in Listerine and place it on the pimple. Repeat three times a day until the pimples dry and disappear.

7. Smelly feet
Smelly feet can get you fired. But don’t be afraid. Listerine kills odor-causing bacteria and acts as an astringent to reduce the amount of sweating. Listerine is especially effective if foot odor is a symptom of athlete’s foot. Listerine also has the added benefit of making your feet incredibly soft! To use this home remedy, mix one part Listerine to two parts warm water and let your feet soak for 20 minutes.

8. Toenail fungus
Listerine foot bath not only makes your feet smell great, but it also helps cure toenail fungus. This is because Listerine has powerful antifungal properties. If you regularly suffer from yeast infections, you may get into the habit of taking a Listerine bath every few days over the course of several months.

Listerine has been around since the late 19th century! It was not always used alone as a mouthwash and should not be used now. Take advantage of all these amazing home remedies! Tell us what works for you and share this article on social media!

If you eat 3 whole eggs every day, you’ll be surprised what it does to your body Tue, 30 Jan 2024 16:54:03 +0000


Eggs, like some other foods, have gained a bad reputation over the years, and many findings suggest that eggs may be primarily responsible for high cholesterol levels. However, the truth is completely different. In fact, not only is the claim about cholesterol wrong, but eggs have many different and essential benefits for the body.

Now that we have debunked most of the negative misconceptions about eggs, let’s explore the benefits of consuming them regularly:

1. Nutrients


According to the Huffington Post, eggs contain several types of nutrients: They are packed with vitamins A, D, E, and B-12, as well as iron, folic acid, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and more. . And all of them are very important.
2. Protein


Eggs provide high-quality proteins, with a much greater value than milk or beef. You’ll need about 30 grams of meat to equal one egg, which is much less expensive.
3. Choline


Choline, a nutrient that isn’t talked about much, is still very important for the brain. Helps promote growth and memory function. Choline supplements are especially essential for pregnant mothers, as most of a woman’s choline supply will be sent to her baby, leaving her with a very low supply. 90% of people lack choline. Eggs contain many of these nutrients.
4. Eyesight


Eggs are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that accumulate in the eye area and protect the eyes from dangerous wavelengths of light, as well as reducing the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
5. Weight control


Eggs help you feel satiated, meaning they make you feel fuller than many other foods. People who start the day with a few eggs for breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day, allowing them to eat smaller meals.
6. Bones, hair and nails


Vitamin D and calcium, already mentioned, are of great importance for bones as they help them strengthen. In this way, eggs help prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, the amino acids and minerals found in eggs promote healthy hair and nails, the website states.
Should you eat three eggs a day? The Nutrition Authority recommends it, stating that the benefits are much stronger than the disadvantages. But Al-Youm reports that such egg consumption can lead to the buildup of carotid plaques in the arteries, in addition to increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes due to the presence of trimethylamine N-oxide, a rather harmful chemical.

The Huffington Post suggests changing your diet a bit, noting that eating three eggs a day could be too much. However, there’s clearly no reason not to enjoy more than one egg a day, especially if you prefer free-range eggs to those from the supermarket, which have been shown to provide far fewer nutrients.

What do you think of these results? Tell us in the comments and share this story with your friends!

10 Common Haircare Mistakes That Prevent Us From Having Great Hair Sat, 27 Jan 2024 14:58:41 +0000 Let’s admit it, we all desire shiny and beautiful hair, and that’s why we leave no stone unturned to keep our hair in prime condition. From shampoo treatments to heat styling and deep conditioning, we’ve done it all. However, even after going above and beyond to ensure our hair looks its best, something is still amiss. Why? We make common mistakes that harm our hair more than they help.

In this article, we will delve into the common hair care mistakes you’re probably making and what to do instead.

1. No Frequent Hair Trimming


Many people make the mistake of avoiding trimming their hair regularly, maybe because they want to grow longer hair or simply out of laziness. Not trimming your hair regularly can lead to split-ends which will eventually interfere with hair growth. You should trim your hair every 12 weeks to get rid of damaged hair and make your hair look healthier and thicker.

2. Over Use of Heat Styling Tools


While heat styling tools like the hair dryer and curling iron can help you achieve the best hair and great hairstyles, overusing these tools can damage your hair. Using heat styling tools frequently will alter the condition of your hair and lead to dryness and fading. If you must use styling tools, ensure you use them with moderation or use certified tools that protect your hair from heat damage.
If you are experiencing hair loss, you should get the best treatment for hair loss as soon as possible.

3. You don’t drink enough water


Drinking enough water not only gives you healthier skin, but it also promotes hair growth and fights hair loss. Believe it or not, water accounts for almost 25% of the weight of a single strand of hair. When you don’t drink enough water, your hair may become weak and fragile. It’s recommended that you drink at least two liters of water a day to enhance hair growth and keep it strong.

4. You’re not getting enough protein


Hair is primarily made of protein, specifically a protein known as keratin. That means having a protein deficiency can trigger hair loss and cause your hair to become dry and dull. If your hair looks limp and stringy, has low elasticity, or there’s increased shedding and breakage, you should consider increasing your consumption of protein-rich foods. Some of the best protein-rich foods that can improve hair health include eggs, fatty fish, salmon, Greek yoghurt and beans.

5. You go to bed with wet hair


With today’s hectic work schedule, most people don’t have time to air dry their hair before going to bed. Sleeping with wet hair could cause severe hair breakage because hair is at its weakest when wet. As you turn in bed, your hair is more likely to snap Besides, the combination of water and warmth from your head can lead to a host of problems such as unwanted bacteria, dandruff, fungal infections, and itchiness.

6. You brush your hair too often


Brushing your hair with a good hairbrush keeps your hair healthy, shiny and free of loose hair. However, brushing your hair too often can cause friction and damage the cuticles, resulting in breakage and split ends. It’s recommended that you brush your hair twice a day—morning and night. Anything more than this can lead to intense hair damage.

7. You rinse your hair with hot water


Hot water strips your hair of natural oils, leaving your scalp dehydrated and hair frizzy. It’s recommended that you wash and rinse your hair with warm water. It’s also not advisable to wash your hair with cold water as it can close pores and make your hair look flat with no volume.

8. You don’t use hair oils


The vast majority of us don’t see the need to use hair oils and this is where we go wrong. Hair oils protect hair from wear and tear, reduces hygral fatigue, and improves scalp health. You can oil your hair at home or get customized hair care at the salon. Be sure to use the oils that suit your hair type and texture.

9. You use harsh haircare products


You need to stay away from hair products with silicone and alcohol-based ingredients as they can cause hair damage. It’s important to check the ingredients in your hair care products such as hair shampoos and hair loss treatment products so that you don’t end up damaging your hair. Whether it be Vedix hair care products, Aura hair care products, or Noughty haircare products, you should look at the ingredients list to ensure the product is safe to use on your hair.

10. You don’t condition your hair

One of the possible reasons why you may be having dry hair is that you don’t use conditioner on your hair. A conditioner makes your hair softer and easier to manage.

Some excellent hair care products will keep your hair looking healthy, moisturized, and treat and prevent hair loss:

• Aura Haircare
• Seen Hair Care
• Vedix Hair Care
• Noughty Haircare

Don’t make these common hair care mistakes. It takes longer to repair damaged hair and grow back, so take care of your physical and mental health while using products that will protect and nourish hair!

Avoid these 6+ mistakes that damage hair Sun, 21 Jan 2024 21:08:31 +0000 Poetry is the glory of women; Having long, beautiful, and silky locks of hair is what every woman wants. People spend thousands of dollars on hair care products and go to the salon every year. Does all this really help?

Many women have trouble taking care of their hair just because of the things they think they need to do to keep it healthy. Check out these 6 ways you could be damaging your hair and what you should do to fix it.

1. Use a high temperature. Many hairstyles require hot curling irons, curling irons, or hair dryers to achieve them. Using these elements at high temperatures causes serious damage to your hair. Instead, WebMD recommends always applying a heat protectant to your hair first and placing all hair tools on low heat.

2. Wash your hair. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says that people rub too much shampoo into their hair. Instead, the scrub and shampoo should only be used on the scalp, where the oil is thickest. Insider says you should wash your hair every two to three days instead of every day unless your hair is very oily.

3. Using the wrong shampoo. Many shampoos sold in stores contain sulfates, which strip hair color and leave your scalp dry. Insider recommends reading labels and choosing sulfate-free shampoos.

4. Dry with a towel. Who doesn’t grab a towel after a shower and start drying their hair by rubbing it vigorously? The AAD says this is strictly prohibited because it weakens the threads and causes them to break. Instead, wrap your hair in a towel. Nowadays, there are Turbie Twists available that reduce the amount of twisting you have to do to your hair.

5. Air conditioning. When you wash your hair, you should moisturize it. Unfortunately, Insider reveals that most people use too much conditioner in their hair. For most hair, you only need a quarter of the amount. Don’t skip deep conditioning before and after chemical treatments.

6. Braid and wear pigtails. Ponytails and braids are great for keeping hair out of your face, and many people braid or tie their hair when it’s wet. WebMD says you could cause a lot of damage this way. Hair is weaker when wet and twisting a braid can easily break and weaken it. The pressure from the horse’s tail also causes the hair to weaken and break. If you need to put your hair in a braid or ponytail, keep it loose, never do it when it’s wet, and make sure the ponytail holders aren’t exposed by the elastics.

7. Brush your teeth. One of the old stories says that to have silky hair you have to comb it 100 times a day. The AAD says this is fiction. Combing your hair frequently, especially when it’s wet, weakens your strands and makes them more susceptible to breakage. Use a wide-tooth comb or choose to comb wet hair.

8. Avoid haircuts. If you’re trying to save money or grow your hair, Insider says avoiding haircuts is one of the worst things you can do to your hair. If your hair starts to fall out, you should cut it before things get worse. Hair should be cut every six weeks to three months.
By changing these few things, you can have healthier hair. That is not worth it?

10 ways to use Epsom salt around the house Tue, 16 Jan 2024 21:15:29 +0000 Epsom salt is not actually the table salt we all know. The mineral mixture, named after a salty spring in England, is a combination of magnesium and sulfate. This popular mineral is touted for its health benefits and its use in cleaning and gardening projects.

You can use Epsom salt in many ways for health, beauty, and cleaning projects. Check out some of the beauty and health tricks you can do with this mineral below:

1. Clean your hair: If your hair is especially oily, you can directly remove excess sebum by adding a little Epsom salt to your shampoo. Wash and rinse as usual.

2. Rub your feet: Winter weather can leave your toes dry, cracked, and cracked. Get rid of dry skin by mixing a cup of Epsom salt with olive oil, castile soap, and some essential oils, and scrub your feet once or twice a week.

3. Goodbye frizz, hello volume: Mix equal parts conditioner and Epsom salt. Heat the mixture in a pan. So start from the roots and work your way down, then massage the mixture into your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse. It works great to eliminate frizz and add volume to your hair.

4. Wash your face: mix Epsom salt with liquid soap or face cream. Gently rub your skin and then rinse it. You’ll get a boost of hydration and remove dead skin cells.

5. Get rid of lips: Mix some Epsom salt with Vaseline and massage your lips to remove dead skin cells.

6. Headache Relief: If you have a headache after a stressful day at the office (or with the kids), try enjoying an Epsom salt bath. A salt bath can help relieve muscle tension and relieve headaches.

7. No stomach problems: Help relieve constipation symptoms by drinking a teaspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. Magnesium is supposed to help get everything flowing again.

8. Enjoy a better day after: If you drank a lot of red wine last night, you can relieve the symptoms of alcoholism. Drink a teaspoon in some water to help cleanse your system. Make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated!

9. Eliminates bruises: Avoid raw meat compresses and use Epsom salt instead. Mix two tablespoons of Epsom salt with a little water and apply it to the bruised area.

10. Get More Sleep: Soak in an Epsom salt bath for about 20 minutes before falling asleep to help you relax and unwind for a better night’s sleep.

11. Relieves muscle soreness: Enjoy an Epsom salt bath after a hard day at the gym or gardening to relieve muscle soreness and speed recovery.

Eat a spoonful of mustard after your meal and you’ll be surprised what it can do Thu, 11 Jan 2024 21:21:01 +0000 Mustard is a plant that has many different uses. The seeds can be used for cooking and pickling. It can also be ground into powder to make dry mustard or pressed to make yellow mustard. The oil extracted from mustard seeds is considered a healthy oil as it contains a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids. Even the leaves of the plant itself can be used to make salads or served as a vegetable for dinner.

The world of home remedies is also taking advantage of the use of this plant. It remains to be seen whether the treatments are truly effective because no studies have been done to confirm the claims. None of the following treatments will cause any harm, so you may have a new winner. Here are six home remedies that use mustard.

1. Burns.
Accidents can occur when working in a kitchen with a hot stove or oven. According to the guidelines, the first thing you should do if you burn yourself is to wash the burn with cold water and then smear it with a thick layer of yellow mustard to prevent it from hurting.

2. Overcrowding.
An ancient remedy for chest congestion caused by the flu or the common cold is a mustard compress. Wellspring School makes a packet by combining 1 part dry mustard with 8 parts flour. Add enough hot water to form a paste. Apply the paste to a piece of gauze and then place the compress on your chest.

3. Face mask.
If money is tight and you can’t afford a mask, Apartment Therapy recommends using yellow mustard. Rub a thin layer of mustard onto your face, creating enough space around your eyes so the fumes don’t cause problems. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse.

4. Gas reduction.
To combat a gas attack after dinner, the 10 best home remedies indicate that you should swallow a teaspoon of yellow mustard after eating. Wash it with a cup of warm water. If the problem persists, increase the amount of mustard to 1 tablespoon.

5. Hair conditioner.
Deep-conditioning hair treatments can be expensive. Instructables recommend using mustard seed oil instead of fancy treatment compresses. Massage the oil into your hair and scalp. Cover your hair and leave it for 8 hours. If you choose to do it at night, cover your hair with a shower cap so the oil doesn’t drip onto your pillow. Once your hair is completely treated, rinse the oil well.

6. Myositis.
After strenuous exercise or play, add a tablespoon of mustard to your Epsom salt bath to eliminate muscle soreness.

Whether they work or not, there’s nothing wrong with trying. You probably have mustard in your cupboards or shelves, so try the remedies listed above to see what it can do for you.

7+ home remedies to aid with hair growth Tue, 09 Jan 2024 21:18:46 +0000 When you comb your hair, you may notice that there are more strands than usual on the brush. Should you be worried? The answer is “not necessarily.” As we age, hormonal changes can cause hair loss. Unfortunately, stress and illness can also be factors.

If you’re concerned about the amount of hair you’re losing on your head, see your doctor to make sure everything is okay. Try some of these home remedies to stimulate healthy hair growth on your scalp.

1. Scalp massage. According to Medical News Today, massaging the scalp will increase blood flow, which in turn will thicken the hair. You may not see new hair growth, but you may see healthier hair.

2. Nutritional supplements. Sometimes hair loss is due to a lack of vitamins necessary for healthy hair. WebMD recommends consuming more iron, zinc, and omega-6 fatty acids.

3. Proteins. Protein is essential for hair health, so WebMD reminds people that if their hair is losing, they should increase their protein intake. Nutritionist Sally Kravec recommends eating two or three servings of meat a day; Four to five servings of dairy products and beans; And also nuts, seeds and fish.

4. Onion juice. The ancient remedy for hair growth is onion juice. THE FOOD says to take the juice of an onion and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.

5. Coconut milk. Dr. Kochhar recommends coconut milk as the most beneficial way to stimulate hair growth. Use fresh coconut milk and add lemon juice and 4 drops of lavender oil. Massage your scalp and leave it on for four to five hours before rinsing it off.

6. Aloe vera. According to Medical News Today, aloe vera can be used to help treat hair loss. Beauty Mosta suggests making an aloe vera gel by combining 2 eggs, a quarter cup of aloe vera gel, 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, and 6 drops of rosemary oil. Apply to wet hair and wrap for 15-30 minutes. Do it once a week.

7. Geranium oil. Medical News Today recommends using geranium oil to help hair grow back. Add a few drops to your shampoo every day.

8. Ginseng
Ginseng supplements may help hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. Always remember to follow the instructions on supplements before taking them. If you are unsure, be sure to consult a doctor to make sure you are aware of the side effects before taking it.

9. lemon
Fresh lemon juice and lemon oil can promote hair growth by helping maintain a healthy scalp. Try applying the juice to your scalp 10 to 15 minutes before using shampoo. Alternatively, you can add lemon oil to your hair mask.
Don’t settle for the idea that you will have fine hair. You have many options to help your hair grow back thick and healthy.

If you soak your feet in apple cider vinegar, here’s the effect Fri, 05 Jan 2024 21:25:20 +0000 Apple cider vinegar is a great way to add flavor to your homemade salad dressing or to add a little spice to other dishes on your menu. However, this multi-talented acid is useful for more than just fixing your next dinner party.
Read on to discover some of the alternative roles this refreshing ingredient can play outside of the kitchen. From helping treat athlete’s foot to reducing water retention, apple cider vinegar is a must-have in every pantry.

Helps stomach pain
It may seem counterintuitive, but try drinking some apple cider vinegar and water to soothe an upset stomach. This is especially helpful if you have a bacterial infection. You can also mix it with apple juice to sweeten the flavor.

Add extra shine
Give your hair a more dazzling shine with an apple cider vinegar rinse. Put half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of cold water in a cup or bottle. Apply it to your hair after shampooing. Do this two or three times a week.

Sunburned skin feels cold.
Do you feel burned after a day in the sun? Try adding a cup of apple cider vinegar to a cold bath and then sitting in the bathtub for about 10 minutes to relieve sunburn pain. (And remember the sunscreen next time!)

Say goodbye to hiccups
Ah, the only disease that has a million cures. If breathing into a paper bag or holding your breath doesn’t help, try a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar can stimulate the nerves in the throat, eliminating annoying hiccups.

Tip the balance in your favor
Some health experts suggest that apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight because the acid in vinegar can suppress appetite and reduce water retention.

clean your house
Add 1 part apple cider vinegar to 1 part water, strain it into a spray bottle and it will quickly become an inexpensive natural disinfectant.

Soothing aftershave
Are you looking to save money? Ditch the expensive aftershave and opt for an apple cider vinegar rinse. Dilute the vinegar with one part water and apply it after shaving. Don’t worry, the smell will disappear.

Goodbye heartburn
Avoid Pepto and try drinking apple cider vinegar after eating a greasy meal. It may seem a little difficult to fight fire with fire (or acid with acid), but this little trick really works. Apple cider vinegar helps eliminate low acids in the stomach. Take a teaspoon, followed by a cup of water. Don’t try this if you have an ulcer.

Say goodnight to leg cramps
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with painful cramps in your shins and legs? Try two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey and a cup of warm water and say goodbye to pain.

Athlete’s foot treatment
The fungus that forms what is commonly called athlete’s foot causes an itchy, burning rash on the feet and between the toes. Apple cider vinegar can help reduce pain and kill fungus. Soak the affected foot in a bowl of vinegar for 10 to 30 minutes. If it burns, remove the foot and add a little water to dilute it. Try again.

Do you want to create this footbath at home? Shop the items below:
– Apple cider vinegar
– A resistant and economical bathtub

7 cheap masks to try for healthier-looking hair Thu, 04 Jan 2024 21:27:22 +0000 Dying, curling, and blow-drying your hair every once in a while won’t completely ruin it, but if you do these things too often you’ll end up with split ends and dry, brittle hair. To pamper your hair and replace some of the oil it loses every time you dry or dye it, try applying a hair mask once a month.

A hair mask doesn’t have to be expensive. You probably already have many of the nourishing ingredients that Garnier recommends for masks in your kitchen.

Check out these seven masks you can do to restore the healthy appearance of your hair:

1. Avocado. Perfect for restoring shine to damaged hair, avocado is easily combined with other ingredients to create a great homemade hair mask. For example, the DIY Natural recipe requires half an avocado and two egg yolks. Simply mix the ingredients well and apply to damp or dry hair, then apply the mask from roots to ends. Leave on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing and washing hair.

2. Honey. Honey may be sticky, but it can improve the appearance of split ends. DIY Natural recommends mixing 1 teaspoon of oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1/4 cup of yogurt. Apply from roots to ends to damp hair and leave for 15 to 20 minutes before shampooing as usual.

3. Coconut oil. To calm dry, frizzy hair, The Indian Spot recommends mixing 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 1/4 cup of coconut milk, and an avocado. Apply it and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.

4. Green tea. According to Garnier, green tea contains many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial ingredients. When combined with shea butter, it can help revive the look of your hair. Indian Spot combines 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with 1 tablespoon of matcha green tea. Apply the mask to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it as usual.

5. Shea butter. Excellent for moisturizing hair, shea butter is the main ingredient in Beauty Monsta Mask. Melt a tablespoon of shea butter in a double boiler, and mix it with a tablespoon of argan oil, a teaspoon of coconut oil, a teaspoon of honey and 5-10 drops of peppermint oil. Apply the mixture to your hair and let it sit for an hour before washing it.

6. Eggs and mayonnaise. Although eggs and mayonnaise aren’t on Garnier’s list, recommends them to strengthen and hydrate damaged hair. Mix 5 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 2 eggs, and, if your hair is especially coarse, a teaspoon of vinegar or olive oil for added shine. Apply it to your hair from roots to ends, then cover it with a shower cap and a warm towel and relax for 20 minutes before shampooing.

7. Vinegar. To restore bounce to your straight hair, Reader’s Digest recommends a vinegar hair mask. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of olive oil, and 3 egg whites. Apply the mixture to your hair from roots to ends and cover for 30 minutes. Shampoo as usual.

Having beautiful hair doesn’t have to be expensive. All you need are a few basic ingredients and a little time to create your mask. Have fun creating your healthy hair mask, have fun on the way to work, and then enjoy your newly rejuvenated hair.
