10 natural products that helps your skin stay young

Women have always fought against the aging process. Hair dye, makeup, spa treatments – a lot of money is spent trying to make life destroy life. Wouldn’t life be wonderful if you could fight aging and do it on the cheap?

Here are 10 natural ways to keep your skin young. Many of them are already in your kitchen or you can buy them at the supermarket. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

1. Lemon juice. To help fight acne, try some lemon juice on your face. Women’s Health also recommends adding some to coconut water and applying it to your face to brighten and hydrate your skin.

2. Aloe vera. Medical News Today states that applying aloe vera gel to the skin can help improve elasticity. It also helps increase collagen production, which helps skin look younger.

3. Coffee. People love drinking coffee every day, but putting it on their skin? Prevention says that when used on the skin, coffee can help prevent clogged pores and fade age lines. It also exfoliates and removes dead skin cells and leaves a healthy glow.

4. Green tea. According to WebMD, the antioxidant properties of green tea may help prevent skin cancer. Researchers aren’t sure exactly how much skin care products must contain to be effective, but they see possibilities.

5. Vitamin C. Whether taken as a supplement, in food, or in a lotion applied directly to the skin, WebMD says vitamin C increases collagen in the skin, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles. and scars.

6. Coconut oil. Excellent for moisturizing and adding shine, coconut oil is recommended for prevention. Wounds can heal faster if treated with virgin coconut oil.

7. Rose water. Moisturizing your skin is important. Cosmopolitan recommends carrying a rosewater mist with you so you can spritz your face throughout the day and help rehydrate your skin.

8. Egg whites. While this may seem strange, Vogue notes that many Korean beauty lines are getting on board with adding egg white to their products as an excellent source of collagen. If you want to take care of your skin yourself, The Beauty Madness has a recipe for making a mask with egg whites and oranges, which are an excellent source of vitamin C.

9. Option. You can use the strips to reduce puffy eyes or turn them into a mask. Cucumbers, according to HuffPost, contain vitamin C and silica. Vitamin C relieves inflammation and brightens the skin. The silica in the peel will firm sagging skin.

10. Bananas. Bananas are great for making smoothies and baking. It also tastes great with peanut butter, but breaking it up and putting it on your face? HuffPost says that placing a mashed banana on your face for about 15 minutes will help hydrate your skin. You can also mix it with avocado to create a facial mask that helps reduce wrinkles and age spots.

How successful are all these older people in fighting age and maintaining their youthful beauty? Well, you be the judge of that. Each contains vitamins and minerals that doctors and dermatologists know are essential for skin health. Within this list you can find the right fountain of youth for you.